2022. január 27., csütörtök

Review of Dirty Diana 4 - Evie

Today’s guest of Dirty Diana is played by Gwendoline Christie, who can be known to the audience from the Game of Thrones, Star Wars movies and of course her other roles. I would really like to watch a behind-the-scenes recording as Demi Moore talks to these famous colleagues of hers. It could be quite special.

What really matters in our case is Gwendoline narrating her sex fantasy in a very pleasant voice. The story can’t be said to be special, but it’s really atmospheric, which is aided by the noises played into the recording. The imagined main character, on the other hand, is not real at all, some of his actions felt out of the character.

We can learn more about Diana’s husband, he started running again, giving up his weight, which is really sympathetic, few do it for themselves over forty. Diana audibly likes it too. However, their therapy reveals startling details about their marriage. Details that may seem familiar to many.

The technician guy speaks surprisingly honestly about his past. The conversation between him and Diana is more honest than the one she usually has with her husband, apparently being one of the reasons for the crisis of their marriage. What’s more, we can hear a similarly deep and interesting conversation with my favorite character, Petra later at work dinner. It's just ... interesting!


2022. január 22., szombat

Review of Dirty Diana 3 - Carrie

In QCODE’s audio drama, Dirty Diana’s third guest is no less than the famous actress Melanie Griffith. Her voice is really something! And the fantasy she tells Diana is really interesting, romantic, yet passionate.

And now Diana is not only a passive recorder-listener, but actively asking during the development of the story. Maybe it’s a sign of trying to get control of her own life as well. And in her private life she also tries to be active, to climb out of the pit. This is not made easier by, for example, the travel of her business partner to Hawaii, who, moreover, recruits his cousin instead. Nice guy, I'd have a drink with him - one can suppose the adventure he will get into with Diana.

She’s chatting with her girlfriends at the bar later, but I found this part pretty flat and unnecessary. It didn’t really take the story forward. However, it’s more interesting when her husband tries to seduce the frustrated and tired Diana. You can hear the strength of the show again: the real, honest dialogues make the couple completely relatable.

And the second half of the episode sheds some light on what worries Diana the most, the situation that affects so many people today: loneliness.


2022. január 12., szerda

Review of Dirty Diana 2 - Lux

Let’s see the next episode of Dirty Diana podcast from QCODE, starring Demi Moore. The guest of the second episode is Lux, who seems a bit distrustful of Diana. Perhaps her tragic background also plays a role in this. But that’s what makes her human, the way she tries to process it.

Her fantasy outlines a really vivid, interesting story. To her uncertain question (“Does this suppose to turn other people on?”) Diana gives a great answer that can be a guideline for any artist: “It doesn’t really matter what it does for other people. It's just about you.”

We can witness another tense moment between Diana and her husband - the situation is unsettled, completely unstable. Our protagonist escapes to work and my favourite character from the previous episode, Petra returns. Again, she serves the highlight of the episode. Really stunning personality, I would love to party with her.

The secret business of audio erotica is booming, Diana really thinks about it over and over. In addition, the situation is complicated by the appearance of the husband’s old friend. Naughty, daring dude, we can guess he'll get together with Diana somehow, but I'd be more happy to see him in action with Petra.

In order to revive the old fire, Diana tries strange things, here the show tends to be more dramatic. Anyone who is expecting the atmosphere of the Red Shoe Diaries will be disappointed here, we experience serious human emotions with the characters. And that makes this QCODE production stand out from all the other podcasts. 




2022. január 7., péntek

Review of Dirty Diana 1 - Liz

I started to listen to the audio show Dirty Diana from the QCODE company. The show is produced and hosted by Demi Moore, about whom we can also see a rain-soaked photo as the cover art of the show. Demi Moore’s voice is deep, pleasant, and she’s joined by a guest who tells her story.


In this first story, Diana’s patient Liz fantasizes about being seduced by her husband, but in his younger form. The intro is short, we can hear the first foreplay after 5 minutes, and the first orgasm at 5:45. Because of the episodic structure, I thought the entire 45 minutes would be Liz’s story, but actually, Diana is the protagonist here. We learn about her workplace and private life in between episodic story tellings from her clients.

The music and the atmosphere are excellent. My favorite character is Petra, the newcomer, not completely stable heiress who comes into Diana’s workplace and she isn’t really sure she wants to fund it anymore. It turns out that Diana not only workss as a psychiatrist, but also records patients’ sexual fantasies as a small side job, and publishes them on an erotic site. We also get to know her private life better. Plus, through her girlfriends, we get to know great urban sex legends. The whole atmosphere is interesting and really vivid. Plus, with her problems, Diana becomes completely mundane, identifiable, a flesh-and-blood person.

Human characters and sultry sex mix very nicely in this episode, I look forward to the next one.
