2022. február 11., péntek

Review of Dirty Diana 6 - Amanda / Erika

The sixth, final episode of Dirty Diana can be described with tension mostly. Diana is tense, her guests are tense, and the relationship between her husband and her is tense. Plus, her girlfriends aren’t really helpful either, they are just telling her stuff as they pop into their minds. I dare to say that without them, Diana could rebuild her life much much easier.

Compared to the episodes so far, we now hear two fantasies, but neither of them really caught me. One of them is a complete cliché, fits to the stripper character who tells the story - by the way, this character was portrayed the shallowest in the whole audio drama. The other fantasy is a little more interesting, more lifelike, but still not as stunning as the ones in the previous episodes.

Diana and her husband meet on a school show, which is the cliché of divorced parents again. But at least they go to have a pizza at the end, which is light and lifelike. Plus, I was just listening to the episode on World Pizza Day, so the saliva in my mouth was just doubled.

Pizza, Plate, Food, Cheese, Lunch, Vegetables, Italian


In the second part of the episode we can hear a quickie, but this time not in the form of narratives as before, but with sounds, moans, sighs. It was rather hot and exciting. This is followed by a good old quarrel, a real drama, which is the strength of the show.

Anyone who longs for a happy ending will be disappointed here. The problems in Diana's life are not solved, they are transformed. Maybe the writers left the story open for a possible sequel, though I haven’t read any news about it yet. In any case, this audio drama describes the fate of a woman over forty stumbling among the scenery of sexual fantasies, it is something really worth listening to.


2022. február 5., szombat

Review of Dirty Diana 5 - Jada

The fifth episode of Dirty Diana was released in August 2021, and may have been recorded in the months leading up to it, so with COVID, humanity has become well accustomed to content consumption related to sitting at home and being alone. Yet the fifth guest starts from the premise that she gets sick and stays at home for five days and is already bored with Netflix and then checks out the couple living opposite. I couldn’t get over the baseline, though, especially since the other part of the fantasy also proved to be flat and cliché.
Plus, Diana chatting with her girlfriends feels quite unreal. They throw in a few wild rumors, but they don't discuss them properly, the real reflection is missing, But when they start to talk about Diana's husband, the conversation deepens, the words have their weight, the drama returns.
And surely the husband is going through a great transformation, after the external signs of the previous episode, we hear about his insides here: he dwells onto his desires, changes jobs, shows real development, which is again only respectable. Diana, on the other hand, seems to be stuck in her life - and we don't really know why. Maybe, just like in Joseph Heller’s novel Something Happened, nothing extraordinary happened to the protagonist, Diana, except life itself.
Luckily, Petra lightens up the show, behaving in a really fun yet mature way in the second half of the episode. At her suggestion, Diana gets involved in quite serious adventures, it’s worth listening to.