2015. december 22., kedd

'Happy New Year - A Porn Anthology' is available

The end of this year is near, so why don't you grab your free copy of the porn anthology 'Happy New Year'!

We're at almost 3000 downloads right now! Download it from https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/505241

2015. december 21., hétfő

A good cover pic for Office Sluts: Extra Edition

As I'm writing Office Sluts: Extra Edition and preparing it for its release in 2016 (aside of the antholgies, I haven't published a full book since almost two years - can you believe it?), I already started to hunt for good cover images. Look what I've found:

A little cut here and there, some playing with the lights and putting the title there... How do you like it?

Image credit: http://morguefile.com/creative/TrisMarie